Burning The Souffle

"A Woman Happily In Love, She Burns The Souffle"

pssst July 24, 2009

Filed under: nerdiness — Rachel @ 9:23 am

If you are subscribed here, then go here:   http://feeds.feedburner.com/burningthesouffle and subscribe to the new site!


Moving Day July 22, 2009

Filed under: life is flippin suh-weet,nerdiness — Rachel @ 12:00 pm

Remember when I posted yesterday about moving? Well, now that I can get into the new site, I will only be posting there from now on. So everyone bookmark www.burningthesouffle.com and go there instead. See you at the new site!


Things That Entertain Me… July 14, 2009

Filed under: nerdiness — Rachel @ 2:12 pm

I’ve found a couple things here recently that have entertained me to no end while I have some downtime at work (those of you who know what I do know that I have quite a bit of downtime,  have I ever mentioned how much I love my job?).


1. Best of Craigslist– All of  these are actual things that people have posted on craigslist. Many of them have made me laugh to the point of snorting.

2. Would you like to buy some uranium ore on amazon? Read the comments section and you will not be disappointed.

3. Ugliest Tattoos Hey, if you’re stupid enough to get this shit permanantly tattooed on yourself, then I pretty much have a right to laugh at it.

4. Ok, some might say the next is offensive, but I don’t think so. You can make fun of me for having a southern accent all you want, I can admit that I talk funny, it’s cool.  I love engrish.

5.  Last, but not least,  who doesn’t love a good cake wreck?

I hope you enjoyed your time wasting!


I Really, Really, Really HATE Spam February 24, 2009

Filed under: crap people buy,nerdiness — Rachel @ 9:29 am

So, I’ve been getting a lot of spam in my email here lately.

What pisses me off?

The spam is coming to my university email, which just hits a little too close to home.

The kicker?

I got one spam today that addressed me BY NAME offering me a “job” filling out online surveys and participating in “focus groups”.

Now obviously, I know this is a hoax (not something I’d be interested in anyway, but googled it and found several references to the spam factor, not the legit factor), but I have gotten several weird emails over the course of the last few weeks in this email account, and it just kind of pisses me off.


Because this is the email that I use for conducting all my professional(esque) stuff. Contacting professors, ordering online, and more of my personal keeping in touch stuff. I have a few other emails, but this is my main one.

It isn’t the fact that I’m getting the spams so much as the fact that they’re making it to the inbox. 2 of my other emails just automatically send that crap to the trash.

So hey, university people, improve your spam blockers! I know I’m not the only person with this problem, several of my friends have gotten this crap too. What worries me is that someone will get the “job” offer and respond, thinking that it’s legit, and end up paying money to this hack for a “job”.


Updated: Books Read in 2009 January 28, 2009

Filed under: life is flippin suh-weet,nerdiness — Rachel @ 8:44 am

I have read 11 books so far! I finished “A Girl Named Zippy” by Haven Kimmel yesterday, and I LOVED it!

Here is the list of books I have read so far:

Books Read In 2009

1.” Possible Side Effects” by Augusten Burroughs

2. “Sellevision” by Augusten Burroughs

3. “A Wolf At The Table” by Augusten Burroughs

4. * “Ramona The Pest” by Beverly Cleary* ( My mom first read this to me when I was five years old. I love children’s literature.)

5.*”Beezus and Ramona” by Beverly Cleary *

6. *”Ramona and Her Mother” by Beverly Cleary*

7. *”Ramona’s World” by Beverly Cleary*

8. “The Miner’s Daughter” by  Gretchen Moran Laskas

9. “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie

10.  “What Happened to Cass McBride?” by Gail Giles

11.  “A Girl Named Zippy” by Haven Kimmel

In Progress

1.  “Mermaids In the Basement” by Michael Lee West

2. “The Luckiest Girl” by Beverly Cleary

Waiting To Be Cracked Open

1. “Nineteen Minutes” by Jodi Picoult

2. “Schooled” by Anisha Lakhani

3. “Looking For Alaska” by John Green

Desperately Want to Read, But Have Not Been Able to Get My Hands On

1. “Iodine” by Haven Kimmel

2. “The Midwife’s Tale” by Gretchen Moran Laskas

3. “Multiple Blessings” by Jon and Kate Gosselin

So there is what I have read, what I am currently reading, and what I want to read.

How is your reading coming along so far?


You Get What You Google January 14, 2009

Filed under: nerdiness,the world around me — Rachel @ 10:57 pm

I found a nifty tool in the stats section of all my blog admin stuff that shows me ALL the things people search for that lead to my blog.  So now that I can see what some of you people are looking for, perhaps I can answer some of your questions (obscene terms that lead here will NOT be discussed, unless they are just too funny).

The top search is “ashtray smell”- Yes, I did once write a post about a stupid ashtray at the wal-marts that was said to not stink.  However, being that I have not smoked a cigarette since I was 17, I am probably not the world’s authority on ashtray smells. I can only imagine though, that the ashtray smell is not half as bad as the person smoking the cigs themselves.

Books To Read In 2009- Another popular search that leads here. Sorry, I can’t tell you what YOU should read, but I can tell you what I read this year.  Check out my sidebar for more info.

toenail ripped (or half toe nail off, or half my toenail is gone, any varied form of that kind of thing)- Yeah, I did rip off half my big toenail at my best friend’s apartment. That wasn’t so fun.  My toenails were already painted black, so my big toe matched.

burning the souffle- Yes, that is the name of my blog! I can only hope that  you stopped by once, loved it, forgot the url, and then googled it to find it again. (Some people apparently do look for this blog, because burning the souffle blog also shows up.)

dear abby the play- I have no idea. I like reading “Dear Abby” in the paper, and I am pretty good at making up stories, so maybe I can help you write a play.

chemistry is shit- I agree.

what’s a frozen pop? pregnancy?- If you don’t know what pregnancy is, then you shouldn’t read this blog, it contains too much profanity and other impure thoughts that will contaminate your little mind.  When I used the term frozen pop, I was talking about a sperm donor who’s sperm was cryogenically frozen to be used for IVF or other fertility treatments.

blitz souffle- I’ve no idea.  I don’t even know how to make a souffle. I know how to make excellent grits though.

songs to have bridesmaids walk down the aisle to- I don’t know. I have a few in mind, but I did write a post about music I might like played at my wedding.

shit fire and hells bells- I say both of these things, but not in the same sentence.  They sort of mean the same thing, to use them in the same sentence is redundant.

how to talk southern- Ok. 1. Be born in a southern state.  2. Live there for your whole life.  3. Say things like “shit fire and save the matches” and “hells bells”. For more info, see my post of same name.

i don’t have children- Nope, definitely child-free as of right now…and probably for the next 5+ years.

rachel pays- I do pay for a lot of things. How did you know about my terrible shopaholism?

So dear googlers (that sounds KINKY!), I hope I answered some of your questions. Keep googling strange things to find out more.


That’s Tennessee Weather For You… December 20, 2008

Filed under: nerdiness — Rachel @ 9:15 pm

Yesterday- it got up into the high sixties here. Actually, on my thermometer at home, it read 73 degrees. That thermometer was slightly in the sun though. Definitely warm enough for short sleeves, and had it been spring, I probably would have worn capris and sandals or something. A very nice day, temperature wise.
Today- Getting colder and it started raining. Oh yes, we also had a thunderstorm, complete with lightning. I ask you, where else do you have THUNDERSTORMS in December? Five days before Christmas!
Tonight-Snow Flurries (Snow Showers?) Are predicted. I can believe it. I really hope that the roads don’t get all icy from the rain freezing.
Tomorrow- The high is supposed to be in the 30s, the low in the single digits or maybe teens. Maybe some snow.
So basically, we went from short sleeve weather to ice and snow in less than two days time.


And I always thought I looked like my Grandmother…. December 18, 2008

Filed under: nerdiness — Rachel @ 12:16 pm

BeAGoodMom had an interesting post yesterday, with pictures of her baby’s “celebrity-look-alikes” This got me to wondering…which celebrities do I resemble? Hmm…Let’s find out, shall we?

And for scientific purposes, we should do another one, to see if any celebrities come up twice…. This picture was taken awhile ago, during my freshman year of college. I had dyed my hair black. I think it was pretty cute.

Hmm…no matches…but I notice that there are a lot of Asian people in both matches? Hmm, as far as I know, I don’t have any Asian ancestors, but you never know. I don’t mind though, I think Asian people are gorgeous.

Now, just for fun, let’s do another. This is another older picture. My hair obviously is much longer and lighter than this now.

Hmm…I notice that Camilla Belle came up twice. I am not entirely sure who she is, but she is pretty, so I won’t mind looking like her.


Spin Cycle: A Blog is Born December 12, 2008

I got this nifty idea from Sprite\’s Keeper.  I thought it looked like a fun idea for a post, so I decided to join in on the action.

How did this blog come to be?

Well, a little over a year ago, I got interested in reading other people’s blogs. They were funny, and interesting. These were stories written by people who could be my next door neighbors,  people that I know I would just love if I knew them in for real life.  I much prefer stories about real people to pictures of brangelina’s latest spawn.  I mean, it’s a whole lot funnier to read a story about how someone’s kid colored all over their pottery barn kids bedding with a sharpie  than to read about how  some celebrity spent 15 mil on their kid’s nursery.  So I got into reading many, many, many, blogs, and loved every post.

And then, it hit me.

I have a life outside of the computer too. Funny stuff happens to me.  I could write a blog about it! Or, at the very least, write a blog about how I fall down a lot.

So I started a blog.

And then I stopped.

I didn’t visit the page again for several weeks (if not months). I couldn’t think of anything to write about, I didn’t know what people would want to read. And then one night it hit me- I will never know what people want to read, and it doesn’t matter. If I write about what is interesting/funny/bothering to me, then other people might find it and feel the same way.  I don’t even remember what issue inspired me to get back into it. I was pissed about something, and felt the need to share the indignation with the whole world.

Semi-anonymously, that is.  I was feeling a need to get people’s feedback on things I coudn’t ask my friends about, because DUH, they were the ones I was griping talking about in the first place.  I wanted impartial opinions of people that didn’t know me from Eve.  I wanted to vent.

Let me explain something about myself- I am very much the mother hen type of friend.  Just yesterday, a friend I made in one of my classes ( a friend old enough to be my parent) told me that he thought I would make a great teacher because I mothered everyone around me. He really did mean that as a compliment, and I really did take it as one.  I am like that. I am the person that you can call to come hold your hair when you are puking at 4:00 a.m. , the person that reminds you to take a jacket because it’s cold.  If you come to my house, you are getting fed, whether you are hungry or not.  I like being that person. I would not have picked “teacher” as a future profession if I did not like taking care of people. But, sometimes even the mama bear needs a place to vent.  Don’t get me wrong, I totally vent to my friends all the time. Just ask D about the numerous screechy phone calls he has received. I just wanted a place where I could vent and get people’s opinions on things.

So, I started blogging.  I really don’t vent as much as I thought I would, I ask opinions sometimes, and often write about whatever hijinks happened at my house that day.  Don’t lie- everyone wants to hear stories about how someone completely embarassed themselves.  I know I do. So I write about dumb stuff I do. I laugh at myself. I do dumb stuff sometimes. I say stupid things. I get mad and pout. So do you. So does everyone.  I think if you can’t at least poke a little fun at yourself, then you must have no sense of humor whatsoever.

Sometimes I’ll get all worked up about some perceived injustice, start writing about it, and then all of a sudden, I’ll see the other person’s point of view, and realize that, yes Virginia, I was WRONG.

So you see blogging=therapy.

I’m happy I started this blog.


Just For Fun December 7, 2008

Filed under: nerdiness — Rachel @ 9:56 pm

The Cupcake Test: I think this cupcake suits me really well.

What Your Cupcake Says About You

At parties, you tend to be a social butterfly. You enjoy making conversation and making sure everyone is having fun.

You hardly have any restraint. You only hold yourself back when absolutely necessary.

The most important thing in your life is your significant other.

You are laid back, flexible, and easy to get along with. To know you is to care for you.

The Pajamas Test

You Are Flannel Pajamas

You seek comfort above everything else. You rather feel good than look good.
You are a very relaxed person, especially when you’re surrounded by your favorite things and people.

You are a homebody. Home is the place where you can truly be yourself.
You are likely to wear pajamas a lot. In fact, you often change into your pj’s the minute you get home!

My “Preppy” Name (I thought this one was hilarious.)

Your Preppy Name Is: Hearst Oakleigh Thayer the Sixth

But most people know you as Gigi

What kind of artist should I be? Good to know, ya know, I always consult the internets before making major decisions.

You Should Be an Actor

You have a flair for the dramatic, and you probably already do a lot of acting in your day to day life, just to entertain yourself.
No need to steal the spotlight from your friends… You’ll get plenty of attention once you start acting professionally!

These were an excellent way to waste time.